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Still HER💋 was created when I was going through a really dark place in my life. Being cheated on, talked about, lied on, made to be someone that I wasn’t, abused mentally, physically and emotionally & even though I had everything an adult was supposed to have; I still didn't know my self worth or have that self comfort, self esteem or confidence that I had before all of this.  I was battling depression, anxiety, insecurities, loneliness, suicidal thoughts. Not wanting to be a mom anymore, or wanting to get out of my bed, feeling like I had nowhere to go or anyone to turn to who would genuinely understand what I was going through. So I just started to pray like never before.... like my life depended on it.... SHOOT.... my life did depend on it. I told God I absolutely NEEDED HIM to work on me and through me because I couldn’t do it on my own. The next few days I woke up.. looked in the mirror and said to myself “You’re STILL beautiful.... STILL powerful, STILL smart, STILL worthy....STILL sexy....STILL everything that made you HER to begin with! Life will throw you curveballs when you least expect it. And have you literally out of your mind. But I’m here to tell you to never give up. Never lose sight of who you are because at the end of EVERYDAY....... you’re STILL HER!

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